Ni-kiyo Spree #6
Website: feedback:
(+80/-0) Capping at
1st 20 PAID orders only!
*pls do not post after the 1st 20 PAID order*
Strictly no booking of slots
no bags & shoes
Mode of payment
**Please transfer payment 1st before posting ur order*
**Order & Payment together in 1 post**
*Replies frozen = payment received*
1) POSB/DBS Internet Banking
Please transfer to POSB Savings Account 039-72076-0, using ur LJ nick as ur IB nick
2) ATM Transfers
*For ATM Transfers, pls indicate transaction no, date, time & amt transferred*
**Strictly no interbank transfer, No Concealed Cash, No meetup payment**
Mode of update:
My LJ & mass emails
Distribution of items:
Normal/Registered Postage only
*Postage charges to be advised after items arrive*
Mode of payment to Taiwan Seller:
Concealed Cash, Registered Speedpost (To be split among no of participants)
*Cost of Registered speedpost: $20.20*
*I'll not be responsible if the cash gets missing on its way to Taiwan, join only if you are comfortable*
Exchange rate:
*Actual Exchange Rate depends on the rate the moneychanger's offer*
Shipping Details:
Direct Shipping to Singapore
May take up to months, please be willing to wait.
*i am not responsible for items that are shipped wrongly by seller, colour differs from website etc
Payment Details:
2-Time Payment
1st Payment: Price in NTD/22.21+ Initial Shipping ($2 per item) + $1 handling fee
2nd Payment: Topups for shipping + Cost of concealed cash registered speedpost to taiwan seller divided by no of participants + Postage Charges
*apparel/belt/legging: 1 unit*
*Replies frozen = payment received*
Post your order in this format:
LJ Nick/Real Name:
Email Address:
Item #1
Item Name: e.g. 里琪 Ni-kiyo【T87115N】春漾漫遊~獨家限定 小圓點/咖啡豆/大圓點圖案 短袖上衣-七色 現+預
URL:*Must be correct link, with the correct colour!*
Colour: 小点黄
Image Link: *right click on picture, properties, copy the link under address (URL) State ur alternative or DNB (do not buy)
Qty: 1
Price in NT: 250 *直接購買價 *
Total Price in NT: 250
Total no of items: 1
1st Payment in SGD: Total Price in (250/22.21) + ($2 x 1) = $
**Pls round up to 2 decimal place**
Grand Total (including ur orders): 1
LJ Nick/I-bank nick:
Transaction Reference No.:
Type & account number:
Amount Transferred: