Is it scary to even confront people on A PHONE these days?

May 10, 2004 20:19

ok so im mega pissed off. I went to my interview for sportsgirl on the weekend. I was the youngest one there and the only one who didnt already have a part time job (i dont consider my 4 hrs a week a job) or was at uni. I felt i did pretty good considering a lot of thse girls had already worked in fashion and i had not.
Anyways we all got told at the end that they wouldnt waste our time and unsuccessful people would be CALLED on monday and successful people would have their references checked and be called on tuesday.
So all day today id had my phone on me prepared for the worst.... i got through the whole of today without my phone ringing.. well except for my mum asking when id be home. so i thought holy crap maybe ive been lucky and got this job!!
So i got all excited and got home and told my parents all about the interview and how i think i went well.

5 mins ago i logged onto my computer and came on the net only to find a fucking EMAIL saying i hadnt got the job. Now this has pissed me off something chronic. talk about getting my hopes up for nothing. they could have had enough decency just to call and say 'sorry steph but unfortunately you havent been successful'... i think to say that it would probably have taken them a sweet 20 seconds and cost them a measly 25c or how ever much it costs for a local call.

So looks like the pharmacy course it is.
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