Nov 04, 2008 19:48
I'm waiting here on the couch for the pizza pancho and I ordered and here's what's on my mind...
- If Yes on Prop 8 passes I'm going to cry and probably throw up...and later on get my ass arrested protesting that bullshit.
- I don't think I like the new girl on the team...her name's emily i think.
- I can feel the drama starting to build up on the team...lame as all hell.
- I voted a little while ago and looked over my ballot at least ten times before submitting it.
- I forgive my mommy for voting yes on 8 but she's the only one.
- my dad and I got into a huge fight this morning over prop 8. He can be such an ignorant human being at times.
- I love my teammates for loving me and voting no...I appreciate them.
- I'm obsessing over this election.
Ten bucks says you don't have it in you to conquer fear and quit believing what they tell you to.