of course i'm online

Mar 19, 2006 19:06

instead of doing the ridiculous amounts of homework i didn't do over spring break.

well spring break was... interesting. yes, i had fun. i just wish i had more time to myself.
and now i'm starting to get sick.

it was great seeing everyone. but at the same time, i feel like the "oh my god stephen's coming home" thing is wearing off. to be honest, i love it here at emory and love all my friends here, so the whole excitement factor has worn off in me a little too.

along with that, i feel like some people are so freaking fake in saying all the "i'll miss you" and "keep in touch" crap. i've slacked off a lot in keeping in touch this semester. but that's because i just don't care as much anymore.

i've learned a lot from being away.
i've definitely learned who my true friends are.
there aren't as many as i had anticipated upon leaving for college.

i guess that's life?
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