Jun 21, 2005 14:33
Sigh… Tired to day.
Got up and started cleaning the Kitchen, Julie took over and I started cleaning the living room. Then Andi’s Bedroom got an overhaul- and I got her posters and Disney lithos up ta-boot.
Fathers day was quiet. After work I met up with my family at the folks house. Julie and I are flat broke to pay day- But mom gave me $50 and nice new shirts for getting Julie knocked up.. er.. for being a dad :)
So Tanya was nice enough to watch Andi (well, she slept any way) And I took Julie to see the new Batman Movie (I told Julie she came out of Fathers day smelling like a rose- Not only did she note get me anything cause were broke, And I spent my F-day swag $$$ on her. :)
My quick review of batman begins..
I dug it, it was great!I loved it! Fantastic! The end has me hot for the second one. However- I had one or two MINOR gripes.. Little things that could be mostly me. Telling any one the gripes I had however will kick the “defense/ attack” reaction in people who feel they must defend every aspect of a movie they like and that it is flawless. Or, I could just get “Well, You liked solder” flung back in my face like a giant scarlet letter - as was the case when my pal Mark asked If I liked the movie.
And all I said is I didn’t quite care for the cape. Or a minor plot point with how microwaves work.
Mention that, and people for get I said I LOVED THE MOVIE. Shessh.
On work news: Finished the art for Rune punk- Was asked to add a train station to the mix. Started work on J.A. Debtmans new project; Drawing lots of Aliens and stuff.. bunch of fun for me. Need to contact mongoose for a new project.
I was also asked to submit Shattered space for the “true20” publication contest over at Green roninn.. its only open to professionals, but being asked to submit made me feel better (Wow, looking back at that sentence makes me feel all dirty in a good S&M way.)
Went out to Derricks house on Saturday night after work- He showed me VERY cool things Photoshop can do that have increased my productivity- I learned more from what he sowed my then in eight years of using the product. I also got to play with is tablet (again with the dirty jokes!) MAN do I ever need a Wacom tablet. In 40mins I went from not being able to draw a circle to around 60% of my regular art skill.. With a few hours of playing there will be no stopping me!! BWAHAHAHA!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!
(Speaking of Unlimited power, my only problem with EpIII was the inherent failing of logic to the line “ONLY sith deal in ABSOLUTES” But that’s funny more then a problem)
I found a nice wacom tablet for $100.. so I’m aiming for it before the year is out.
Acme work schedule changed- so now my days off are Monday and Tuesday. I don’t like having Sundays off, but what’cha gonna do?
Well, the first thing is try and Convince Uncle Boris to play hooky and hang with me as much as possible >:)
Ok- More house cleaning to do before Denise and Cody head over for Cody’s Tuesday art lesson.