(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 16:49

but.. I dont smoke.
Hurmm.. Maybe evil me smokes.

WOOT! 170 Times with Norma Jean!!

Wait, she's dead. Crap, Zombie lovin' porn for me.

Guess I'll have to take Drusilla up on checking her out before I put Moorcock in her box...
(you would just have to work at my shop to get that)

I do have some damn fine knees.. ask any one.. who has seen my knees.. that they are.. skip it.

Um.. Teehee...

Just call me "skipper".. its amazing how many "quizes" are bad.. they never even asked me a question..

Nipple clamps and fingers, How could they know?

That was a joke

No it wasent...

Ya, it was...

No, Realy it wassent...

or was it?


but how about with new and improved tat acction ?

So I get to marry A little red "x" .. No wonder Im not gay. I have yet to be attracted to a letter of the alphabet.. same sex or no.

I find one more My speed... and I get BUTT-MAN... Whee...

BUTT-MAN in his beat up ford can still do good in the world :)

Odd that with out asking me any questions that this one is dead on :)

Man, I can't belive all my friends think I'm a slut.. some.. how...

I Guess there rigtht? Who makes this stuff? I have seen better fortune cookies..

At least this one is nice..

Any who, Andi Just created the coolest character ever..

"Tim Curage.. and his 'SLAW" I asked her about this "courage" and the intruiging slaw of his.. all she ould say "Baut thats all I want to say about it"

I laugh to tears :)
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