Jan 13, 2005 20:11
Crap on a crap sandwitch.. .
I am so overwelmed with art and stuff.. it's great, dont get me wrong. but damn!
I am half way done with "ultimate equipment 2" Im illistrating all 14 chapters on my own.
when I finish that (on wensday) I get to start illistrating "rune punk" - the whole thing- and the cover, in four weeks.
After that, my arm will fall off and I can join my family on mars.
So much work I m getting annoyed way to fast now - have to recharge on sunday.
Keep thinking about all I have to do to get "shatterd space" up and moving- that needs to be started soon.
I am dieing to paint.. maybe in a month or two.
I want to up date more often
OH! thanks for the Words Boris :) - will figure out how to reply soon :)
Back to the spice mines.