Jan 06, 2004 03:25
hey. i am recently returned from my bote trip. extravagance...gambling. it was fun...and fun...and drunk. reminded me of when i got way into hunter thompson.
meanwhile...musically i have been in the post- vein, playing spacey spacey trance with good musicians [brendan, his bro Dennis, Nick with sick analogs, and a horn-of-plenty of drummers]. music ... MUSAK. ps the survival is lazy and uninitiated
reading. Lotsa lotsa camus. the camus is good. very twisted, with a conscience that unravels like zarathustra. a poetic hard-heart in the way it ought be.
THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF POSTS "hey this is what ive been up to" and "i am a creature of self-loathing, leave your pity at the door."
thank you very much
leave your pants at the door