slide ... prompt 3, table 3

Aug 31, 2008 23:40

i think i finally got it to work =)

Title: Slide
Author: B_Lank
Rating: PG
Pairing: Natalie/Stephen
Genre: humor; romance; family
Spoilers: None
Prompt: 003 Slide from table 003
Disclaimer: There not mine. It sucks. Life goes on.

Title: Slide
Author: B_Lank
Rating: PG
Pairing: Natalie/Stephen
Genre: humor; romance; family
Spoilers: None
Prompt: 003 Slide from table 003
Disclaimer: There not mine. It sucks. Life goes on.

It was around 7pm when Stephen finally made it home for dinner, and 7:30 before he finally got to sit down and eat it, or so he thought. Just as he sat down he heard the door bell ring and he looked up from his plate just in time to see his eleven year old son go sliding into the living room, yanking open the front door.

“Natalie!” He heard the boy exclaim from the other room, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see your dad.” She said softly. “Is he here?”

“In the kitchen. Follow me.” He said before running softly into the hall and then proceeded to slide into the kitchen, bumping into the chair opposite Stephen. “Nat’s here.”

“So I heard.” He took a bite of his sandwich just as the woman in question came into view. “And would you please stop sliding on the floor like that, you’re going to get hurt one of these days.”

“Whatever.” He said before taking off in the other direction.

“What can I do for you Nat?”

“I just came over to make sure you were alright, tough case and all.” She sat down next to him, stealing a chip off his plate.

“Just peachy, and you?” He took another bite of his sandwich as he looked over at her, laughing as Jack had a head on collision with the stair-railing. “I told you you were going to get hurt.”

“I’m fine.” She said with a soft smile. “Is he okay?” She gestured toward the brown haired boy as he made his way into the kitchen.

“He has a hard head.”

“Gets it from his father I see.”

“More than likely.” He smiled at her, offering her the other half of his sandwich, which she gladly took. “Have you gone home yet?”

“No.” She looked up just in time to see the boy go flying past her, crashing into the counter. “Are you having fun Jack?”

“Actually, yes.” The young boy smiled down at her. “I would go outside and use up my energy, but it’s too wet.”

She laughed and looked at Stephen. “So much for your new floors being scuff free.”

He grunted, taking a swig of his beer before turning to Jack. “Scuff my floors and I hurt you.”

“Yes sir.” He smiled before turning back to Nat. “Come on Nat, try it, it’s really fun.”

Sliding her shoes off, she smiled, “Why the heck not, show me how.” She turned to look at Stephen just in time to see his mouth drop.

“That goes for you too Natalie.” He said with a smile as she took off, sliding into the living room, crashing into the back of the couch. He walked over to her just as Jack came crashing in next to her. “You okay?”

“Me or him?” She asked, gesturing between her and Jack.

“You, I know he’s okay.”

“I’m fine. Come on Stephen; try it, its fun.” She said with a smile.

“Please Dad; you need some fun in your life.” Jack added. “Please?”

“Fine,” He groaned, toeing his shoes off and kicking them onto the carpet, “but if I get hurt you two are in for it.”

“Okay.” Jack said with a smile before heading back into the kitchen, Natalie right behind him.

“I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Stephen mumbled to himself before running down the hallway, sliding across the kitchen floor and straight into Natalie. He grabbed a hold of her waist and her of his arms, ensuring that they both didn’t go crashing to the ground. He heard Jack laugh from somewhere behind him before hearing the sound of feet running up the stairs.

“See, I told you it was fun.” Natalie said with a smile, looking up at him.

“I didn’t doubt that it would be.” He laughed a little. “I was more concerned for my safety.”

She laughed a little before rubbing his arms, “But you turned out just fine.”

“Yes I did.” He winked at her before bending down and placing a chaste kiss on her lips. “Next time though, I’m taking you down with me.”

“Is that a promise?” She asked with a smile.

“Yes ma’am.” He answered before kissing her again, wrapping his arms around her waist gently.

fanfiction, author: sugarcult_ncis, rating: g, .prompt_challenge_01

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