Travels: random thoughts and images of New Orleans

Jun 18, 2013 04:55

The 5:2:1 rule of convention going applies to New Orleans. Try to get at least 5 hours of sleep per day, though it needn't be at night. Eat 1 or 2 meals daily - one for sustenance, and an optional second for the sheer pleasure of it (three is not only self-indulgence, it may actually count as self-harm. Do not succumb to temptation and eat five). Shower at least once, or twice if you go out during the day.

It's difficult to take a Voodoo shop seriously when it stocks plush Cthulhus. (Cthulhu seems to be fairly well known hereabouts; a few wait-staff have expressed admiration for my Cthulhu t-shirt. Thanks,

I am impressed that the Wine Institute of New Orleans has embraced the obvious acronym.

Some shop windows

Yes, they also sell 'Feline Dependent' shirts.

Rainbow flags as far as the eye can see, on Rampart Street.

The tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau.

The site of Marie Laveau's house (grey building on left, now Marie Laveau Apartments), two blocks from Congo Square.

Nicholas Cage loves New Orleans and has commissioned his own tomb in Cemetery No 1. Of course, it is (insert adverb of your own choice here) empty. The less grandiose family tomb on the left dates back to the 18th century and houses a hero from the War of Independence and his descendants.

travel, cemetery, voodoo, new orleans

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