Aug 11, 2006 21:57

Welcome, everyone, to this new community, opened on my whim and the wishes of vimeslady.

I know for certain that there are more people who Appreciate Stephen Briggs, whether from close-up or afar.

Yes, I realise that this community may be pointless, but it's certainly going to be fun. Perhaps we might conspire to send him things on occasion (Hogswatch?), or we might exchange pictures of him that we've collected. I must say, I've quite a collection myself, which I've so far made a little use of when making the icons for this community. Feel free to make your own icons and post them here.

Feel free, also, to share your story on Stephen Briggs. Have you met him? Why exactly do you appreciate him, etc. etc.

I must say, we're also open to discussion on Lord Vetinari, of course. :)

welcome, stephen briggs

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