May 20, 2004 12:52
1)First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Parish
2) Last word you said: phone
3) Last song you sang: Roses by Outkast
4) Last person you hugged: Rick
5) Last thing you laughed at: People singing that song by Outkast
6) Last time you said 'I love you': last night
7) Last time you cried:Saturday
8) What's in your CD player: Saves the Day-Stay what you are
9) What colour socks are you wearing: white
10) What's under your bed:shoes
12) Current taste:cheeze its
13) Current hair: pony tail
14) Current clothes: boots, jeans, black shirt
15) Current annoyance: People being loud
16) Current longing: A cigarette
17) Current desktop picture: water and a palm tree
18) Current worry: doing my thesis
19) Current hate: whitney devine
20) Story behind your LJ username: its my name and me and ricks aniversary
21) Current favourite article of clothing: the dress i bought in bermuda and never got to wear
22) Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: shoulders
23) Last CD that you bought: i can't remember
24) Favourite place to be: with rick
25) Least favourite place: The Fruit Center
26) Time you wake up in the morning: 7:20
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: the piano
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: I'm not sure
31) Current favourite word/saying: yeah right
32) Favourite book: i dont have a favorite book
33) Favourite season: summer
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: nana eleanor
35) Favorite day: Friday
36) Where do you want to go: aruba
37) What is your career going to be like: awesome
38) How many kids do you want: either 2 or 3
39) What kind of car will you have: a ford f350 diesal
40) Type a line you remember from any book: sonuvabitch from catcher in the rye
41) A random lyric: "roses really smell like ohh poo poo"