Sep 25, 2010 21:33
First fo all WOW!! Soo SOOOOOO much better then I thought. I was thinking this would be a total flop of crap but it ws full of LOLS and farting does still make me laugh!1 I will never doubt fiishy's predictions again!!
Here is my bulleted review!
- 1st, not liking Colin's short hair cut...
-I'm always in the book store, I wonder if the local one here has a hidden passage way
-The colors in that book Merlin looked at were so rich for it being so old...just an observation
-Did nobody teach Merlin not to open talking chests!? Seriosuly Merlin?
-I found the Goblin really funny and LOVE the voice!
-Again A/G NEVER need to let Merlin babysit their futre bbs!
-LOL at cross dressing Merlin!! Gwen! <3
-Bald Uther!! LOL!! I'm behind the screen... *pouting*
-LOL at Arthur keeping a chest full of gold UNDER his bed!
-Finally Arthur wakes up when someone comes into his room...and is then defeated by a canopy...
-Gauis' face as he is possessed! ahahah
- Merlin head slap! "shoo!!"
-I can totally burp like that...I sound like a man when I burp...hehe
-Morgana vs. Gaius. 0-1
- "say ah oh ah oh ah ohhhhhh"
-Gwen!! Lol at her "your jokin boi!? tryin' to make ME pay?" "wait boils!! here take all I have!!" & lol at her keeping her stash under her pillow ...aww bless
-LMFAO at the Uther head slapping! He could of gotten a great rythym going there
-Freedom. Gold. Beer. - what else do you need!? lol at Goblin!Gaius!
-THE FARTING!! So I was completely dreading this but OMG I cracked up!!! I was laughing sooo much during this scene!!
-Uthers cap! Arthurs face!! mwahahaha
-Ohh dagger throwing...likes
-"loose some weight fatty!!" heee
-Arthur's wtf face throughout this ep was GOLD!
-Bradley looked very hawt throughout this ep, I was all "ohhh hiiii"
-Leon!! Well now we know all we gotta do to make Leon happy is buy him a drink!! ;)
-Camelot ahs the WORST security..guards sleeping...
-Hai Gwenn haiii!!
-Tendrels!Nighty!Poker/Candlestickthing! <333
-Aww at Gwen being all embaressed about the farting, the whole fart talk was funny.
-Feelings!! Let's talk feelings!!
-Merlin he LOVES her not LIKES. Geez boy, where have you been!? Don't you remember what happened? In the TENT!?
-Merlin does a crap job at making people feel better
-aww at Gwennie beign all flustered at the door!
-Guinevere! I LOVE when they use her full name!
-Donkey!ears...hee Bradley's face & Gwen's gasp!! Haha.
-"...he's...braying..." LOL & aww at ehr saying how pitiful he looked!
-A/G are gonna have some CRAZY stories to tell their kiddos!!
-Ahh Leon!! Not his pretty face!! NOOOOOO
-Detective agency!! yea!!
-Good going Gwen...knock everything down..w/your boobs...jk! =P
-Umm...hi Gwen's boobs...not looking...but um...well there they are...
-Poor Arthur's gonna have nightmares...Gwen shall arrive in ehr awsome nighty and soothe them tho...
-It was the boy! Merlin!!
-Awkward glances ftw!
-Gwens face & the eye rolls! Angel is such an awesome face actor! LOL
-OMG, poor bb is still braying!
-"Im Gwaine" uhh yea you back up boii!!