(no subject)

Sep 01, 2006 13:08

I'm not sad, I'm not unhappy. In fact, I am much more excited for fall quarter than I thought possible. There's still room to fuck up a little more, but I should probably keep my head on fixing things. But I have never felt more like ONE person. Not one plus someone else, but rather alone. SO many engagements! I have no degree, no job, and I'm not even 19. This is no time to be thinking about marriage. So, when do I all of a sudden cross the I-need-to-start-thinking-about-whether-I-want-to-marry-this-guy line?! Geez.

In other aspects of my confusion, I am more or less convinced that I am from a different world than my roommates. Two of them would refuse to live with a lesbian, and another one explained that she would do it because, well, she's more open than the other two. Keeping in mind, the latter one things we can fix this expanding gap between the rich getting richer and the poorer getting poorer by simply raising taxes for the rich. It's. Not. That. Simple. Even with all the miniscule econ shit I could throw out there about unemployment and technology, I am definitely not educated enough. But somehow some people honestly think they are. People who think they are open-minded, unsheltered, street-smart...usually aren't. You haven't left California, and visiting Europe does not make you an insta-expert on US government and how to fix our economy. I am really quite sick of people in general who only complain when the going gets tough. Of course, no one is going to notice when things are swimming along. Maybe I don't believe in the world getting solved. But I do believe in sometimes, people doing a hell of a job just TRYING to keep you happy. Everybody in the government seems to always be doing something wrong, with the way people are complaining these days. Whiners. Maybe I've just met a great deal of ungrateful idiots who can't un-self-center their lives. Sorry. I just think that trying means a lot sometimes. Dust in yours, plank in mine.

So in light of that, I should probably get off my high horse and stop being such a morning bitch.
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