Tomorrow is the day we bring Buffy our new Ragdoll kitten home. She’ll be about 10-11 weeks so still plenty small enough for kittenish mischief. On the way I’ll pop into my psychiatrist for a 6 month review. I highly recommend following all shrink visits with kitten acquisitions.
Because it’s an hour’s drive home we’ve had to beef up our cat transport facilities so she has water to drink and a little tray to use. But water is tricky stuff - it tends to move about inside moving vehicles so I’ve taped a coffee mug to a corner of the box. Hopefully it’s deep enough so that it can contain water with minimal slosh, but wide enough for a kitten head to reach in for a drink. Much thought was given to this solution; it’s doomed.
A takeaway container with a scattering of kitty litter should provide reassurance if not actual bathroom facilities during the drive. (I’ve just returned from a 5-flights-in-a-week trip where I can proudly proclaim to have avoided all aerial bathroom facilities, but boy I’m glad they were there.)
And finally, a padding of towelling for softness and something to cling to at intersections. I forgot to mention the newspaper at the base of all of this. It’s quite a construction.
Fingers crossed she takes the trip well and then we begin the process of introductions. Stage 1 will have her still inside the cage so sniffs can be exchanged between bars. I’ll report separately how Princess and Cally dealt with our absence and return, and indeed all that happened while we were away. I’ve copied the photos from the camera to my laptop, but that’s about it.