It struck me this evening that I am suffering from female entertainment withdrawal.
I've been mainlining ST:TOS for some months, then the movies. Not a lot of girl power in that. But apart from that it's been boys boys boys for quite some time.
Tour de France is a boys only club. This week I plan to catch some (boys) wheelchair basketball
Tuesday we plan to see John Robertson's show. I suspect the femmequotient won't be too high there.
This evening Husband (and to a lesser extent I) haven been watching a 60's political thriller called The Best Man, and then because one of the same actors was in it, an early Doctor X Horror film. Neither film had much truck with chicks.
Then there was Merlin earlier in the evening, with all the main protagonists males.
My current reading is an all boy affair Calculating GOD (Robert Sawyer).
I think it's time for some Buffy, or Sigorney Weaver. Maybe a carefully selected Xena episode or two. Play my Kylie and Spice Girls and Madonna and Katie Noonan CDs. Costume drama perhaps? Pretty dresses and iron wills? Femmecon's a bit off yet; perhaps I need a Femmeparty to bring me back up to speed? Thoughts?