And the immortal words rang out: "I see you're watching porn tonight."
"Yes," I said. "Food Safari are doing Persian."
"No, not that, although you have a point. It's this!" Husband brandished* the TV guide at me, gesticulating** in the general direction of Channel 10. "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!"
"Oh that. You can watch it with me if you like."
So he did, although he left the commentary to me. The VSFS has gone down hill over the last few years. One of the things I used to like about it the most was the fact that the models actually smiled. They danced, skipped, waved, blew kisses, and generally simulated having a good time. The older ones continue to do so (is Heidi Klum 100 now? She carries it well), but the new generation of legs on, well, legs, seemed determined to maintain the distain.
This show also struck me as far less lavish than usual. For a start most of the lingerie--under its load of glittery and/or inconvenient accessories--seemed to be actually off the rack. The production seemed more budget-conscious too, relying on projections rather than physical FX. No waterfalls, no horses, no circus.
Still, there were some engineering highlights in the wing department, particularly the cloud of butterflies and the cobweb-covered branches. I liked Usher more than I expected to.
Husband's verdict? He didn't think much of it. Bless 'im.
(*) Gently
(**) Mildly