Swear that I'm not kidding, we're just trying to fit in

Dec 15, 2004 19:34

I dominated today's finals.
I beat Lydia in Statistics... happiest moment ever. Well, not really, but beating her on math at least 2 out of 4 years is a plus for me.

I'm totally not even studying tonight.
Tomorrow is the government party and we're having a HUGE sub. I'm so jazzed I don't even know what to do with myself. Oh my gosh, we don't have school for like 2 weeks after tomorrow! The jazz continues...

Today was a good day.

I'm stealing Amy's "10 Things To Do Before I Die"
It's kinda a weak list, since I didn't think it out thoroughly

1. Backpack through Europe
2. Fast for 24 hours (no, not for anorexia's sake, just to prove that I have the willpower to not eat for a day)
3. Run at least a half marathon... I mean actually RUN, not halfass walk it
4. Save someone's life
5. Be somebody's role model
6. Win something... anything. I never win
7. Serenade someone in the middle of the night kinda like the cliche John Cusack scene in Say Anything (or be serenaded in the same way)
8. Tell my parents things again- I'd like to be back to being close with them, it was nice.
9. Learn to cook really really well... like culinary school good
10. Make amends with an old enemy
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