make a noise!!!!!!!

Aug 17, 2005 22:19

george bush is trying to have america join this group called cafta-its a food and drug amdinistration, thats international. it's main objective is to make money and have pharmicutical companies control all natural herbs, vitamins, teas ect....meaning that the drug companies will have full control over everything-meaning they plan on synthesizing all of our natural herbs, substances, and vitamins and selling it to the people. synthesized foods, dont get properly absorbed by the body, because it doesnt fully recognize it... in scandanavia one man was chased down the street by federal cops for selling a 200 mg vitamin of vitamin c-thats the same amount found in 3 oranges...jail time for selling fruit.americans are already suffering because of all the synthesized stuff they already ingest...this group has been conspiring since the 60's, and has absolutly no consideration for the consumer. this also means that all health food stores will be shut down, , further damaging the economy, and giving more and more power to the big blood sucking corporations. its also affecting the millions of people whoses health relay on natural cures..please help out by going to,, or, enter your zip code and write to your can go to for more info, at the least write, tell them that you, the represented are against this invasion of our freedom, and ask for a responsive letter stating their positiopn on this bill...please pass this information along...ignorance will be the end of us!!!!! even if this all falls on deaf ears if we make enough noise evntually somebody will have to listen to us...heres an article on it:

"The world wishes to be deceived."

- Sebastian Franck (around 1500 A.D.)

The drive for a Free Trade Area of the Americas was launched publicly at the 1994 Summit of the Americas in Miami. Proponents heralded the FTAA as a bold move to "foster economic progress, enhance domestic prosperity, and raise living standards" throughout the Western hemisphere.

However, the real objective of the FTAA architects is so revolutionary that the proposal is shrouded in deception and misrepresentation. Even the term "free trade" in the name is a deception - a violation of truth in labeling.

A deeper examination shows that the real objective of the FTAA’s internationalist sponsors is to consolidate power, not to expand prosperity. The FTAA is a raw grab for power disguised as a free trade agreement.

The FTAA would bring the nations of this hemisphere, most especially the U.S., under the heel of a new regional authority. That new authority would have none of the checks and balances of the American constitutional system. To accomplish the globalist goal of economic and political "integration," the independence and distinctive legal systems of participating nations would have to disintegrate step by step, as is happening in the European Union. Americans would lose control of their own destiny.

In part, that means Americans would lose control of their property, suffer taxation by anti-American socialist bureaucrats, and watch helplessly as standards of justice they had taken for granted, such as the Bill of Rights, are trampled. Meaningful national borders would also cease to exist.

The promises of greater prosperity are merely the bait for the internationalist FTAA trap. And it is rotten bait at that since the resulting socialist regulatory bureaucracy would continue the process that is destroying the American middle class. It would also undermine any opportunity for the peoples of Latin America to increase their standards of living.

Sound incredible? Absolutely. But the evidence presented on this website alone is overwhelming. Please check it out, and, when you are convinced, get involved. Implementation is scheduled for 2005. Time is running out!

This site offers leadership for a plan to Activate Congress to STOP the FTAA. But the success of that plan depends on your participation.

sorry to start talking about politics...but i just dont understand how people can ignore the injustice that is developing around us. theres a lot of evil in this world- mostly in the form of greed, masked with religious objectives and ideals, and the only way we are going to prosper is to do something....thank you for listening and plaese MAKE A NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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