Jun 16, 2006 11:54
I have only slept in ONCE the entire summer. And that was only until 9:30!
I baby sat from tueday of last week until monday this week. Sick children is not my idea of a fun weekend. It wasnt too bad though.They are uberly adorable. The worst part was waking up at 6am and not getting to sit down until 5pm.I cant even make it through a school day without sleeping. The pay will be greatly appriciated. I dont think I am going to have kids aaaany time soon. Or possibly ever. Unless i have a nanny.Definitely a nanny.
Tuesday was my free day and my fundraising guy called at 9:30 AM.
Did he not realize that i wanted to sleep in??
Wednesday was le dentist appointment. Squeeky clean:) No cavities thank goodness. I did find out that I might have to get my wisdom teeth out. Ouch.
Now I am volunteering at the Florida Holocaust Museum. Yay CAS hours!
I will be here all next week from 8:30 to 4:30 aussi. Alphebetizing, organizing, stacking. Tres fun. I shouldnt have put that i have skills. Skillls just gets you skill requiring jobs. Who would have thunk it? They are not as fun as the...non skill requiring jobs.
I want to work in the gift shop. It looks fun.
Ok that is it for now. Im waiting for my mom to be done so we can go to lunch. Have a wonderful day!
oh and CAR WASH SATURDAY!!! Dont know where yet but i will let you know! COME GET YOUR CAR WASHED. those of you with new liscenses use this as an excuse to drive somewhere!