I've been watching that new ABC show "Once Upon A Time."
And I posted a long-winded ramble about it in a fan community:
In short: cool premise but I kind of want more from it; I'm not sure quite what, but I think it's begging for fans to extend it beyond canon. Also, I kinda dig Rumpelstiltskin. ETA: So, after talking about how the show is kind of so-so or whatever, I promptly fell for it really hard. That was fast. (That's how it always happens, with me, it seems.)
It's like "Tin Man" all over again or something. Complete with a sort of Glitchy-fixation -- although Glitch is a total sweetheart and... not too bright, as we see him during the duration of the plot. Certainly he's not capable of masterminding any crazy schemes. So he and Rumpelstiltskin are opposites in those regards. But they share the hammiest-character distinction (or at least, they both tie with their respective evil queens).
And this is the first time since "House" that I have been in a fandom for an episodic tv show while it is still coming out on tv! (Wait, there was also "Breaking Bad." But idk, that fandom has never really become very... fannish. As great a show as "Breaking Bad" is... it just doesn't really inspire much creative fan activity. It's so self-contained.) The "Once Upon a Time" fandom is just popping up right now. There's discussion; there are predictions; there's a kinkmeme (which hasn't been growing all that fast, but that's okay, because it yielded
this one fic that I want to hug forever (titled "Handbreath"), in which, after the curse is broken and everyone returned to fairy-tale-land, Rumpelstiltskin and Red Riding Hood say fuck happily ever after and ride off into the sunset). And there are fanvids!
Like this one:
Losing Your Memory - this captured everything I like about Snow White and Prince Charming on this show. They really are sweet. It's hard not to like them, because even though they're set up at the perfect fairy-tale couple, they're perfect in a really endearing way. (Not like Cinderella and her prince, who just kind of seemed... dumb and pretty. But they were teenagers, so.) There are tons of vids dedicated to these two all over YouTube, and I haven't watched that many, but this might be the best of what I've seen. I really like it, at any rate.
And this one:
You Can't Love Me - it's just extremely well-edited and amazing to watch. It's just about the show in general, all the main characters and what's going on.
And then there's the Rumpelstiltskin vids:
I Will Play My Ace (that's just what I'm going to title it because the vidder didn't give it a title beyond "Rumpelstiltskin") - yep, I like it him a lot and yep, I feel a little weird about it, but I regret nothing. This vid is about how he's setting up all the other characters like chess pieces, and who knows what the hell he's trying to do, in the end.
The Bomb - this vid shows more vividly how weird it is to like him because he's really just this creepy little goblin guy. But look how much fun he's having.
Hmmm... You know, this is the first fandom I've been in where I haven't felt compelled to see slash in a long time. Probably because there are actually female protagonists in this!