Got bit by a fandom again. With a focus character, as usual. The fandom is "Tin Man" and the character is Glitch, formerly known as Ambrose (also, the scarecrow analogue).
I don't know why or how, exactly. I watched part 1 of the miniseries feeling kind of impatiently bemused. It was just a bit too... campy for me. I kept wishing I'd seen it when I was like... 12. I'd have loved it then. And Glitch actually kind of annoyed me with his lame one-liners and "come on, love me, I'm so ~eccentric~" thing -- I wanted to like him, but...
And then it wore me down and, only a few minutes into Part Two, I did start to love him. He's just so fricking adorable. Maybe it was the silly, sweet slashiness between him and Cain (the tin man). Or maybe it was the tiny, tantalizing glimpses of who he'd been before and the dissonance that caused as I tried fit Ambrose and Glitch together as one person in my mind. (It's the kind of thing that calls for fanfic exploration -- which always makes a things more interesting, IMO.)
But yeah, so after Part One, I thought I'd probably put it aside and come back to it (maybe) on some rainy day when I had absolutely nothing better to do. But the next day, after deciding to try continuing the new "Merlin" (I say "new" to distinguish it from the old one with Sam Neill -- which was the best), because if I was going to watch campy SyFy channel shit, short was probably better (I have a lot of work to do). But no, "Merlin" wasn't doing it (I'm up to episode 3 by the way -- or is it 4? idk, but Merlin fans, I'm just not so sure about it -- can you maybe try to convince me that it's worth it?).
Instead, I ended up giving "Tin Man" another try. And it surprised me by being kind of wonderful. Part Two threw in some twists I hadn't been expecting and added depth to some of the characters, which made the whole thing more compelling, with its themes of loss-of-identity, loss-of-self, and redemption. Still very campy and silly, but it started to work for me. It did get kind of tiresome by the end (by the end of part 3, I mean -- I was loving it through the duration of part 2. Also, speaking of the end, it is very abrupt! Denouement, anyone? Oh well. Once again, that just means there is a need for fanfic.) Overall, I'd call it... delightful. I enjoyed it.
And now I am reading and loving the fanfic. There's a lot of really good stuff.
Anybody else a fan?
ETA: I think I need to find some Tin Man fan friends, even if the fandom is like 3 years old. Because I'm going to start posting recs soon.
And btw, because I always seem to see parallels with my favorite characters and pairings, the Glitch/Cain pairing (again, that's basically Scarecrow/Tin Man, if you're unfamiliar) is pretty much RDJ-Holmes/Watson again. Except... different. (And while it's simultaneously true that Holmes/Watson = House/Wilson, Glitch/Cain =/= House/Wilson, at all, mostly because Glitch is way too sweet to compare to House. The transitive property doesn't apply to pairings.)
And now, recs:
Ok, I have to rec this vid, first of all:
Satellites by
sol-se. It's really well done. It conveys the whole story, and the characters' struggles and connections, really effectively. The focus is on DG, Glitch and Cain. Somebody in the comments who hadn't seen "Tin Man," asked, "So basically, this movie is about the Epic Love of the Scarecrow and Tin Man, yes? With Dorothy along for the ride?" and I think that about sums it up. If you're not going to watch the show ever, you could just watch this. And if you are going to watch it, this could be a good introduction -- although, 3:13 on will spoil the ending, if you are concerned about that.
Aaaand two more. These are character-centric vids, both by shadowhisper.
Glittering Cloud: Wyatt Cain. This vid focuses on Cain (the Tin Man), his backstory and his struggles.
Breaking the Habit: Glitch/Ambrose. This vid is about Glitch aka Ambrose (the Scarecrow) and his whole backstory and troubles.
They're both quite angsty and dramatic.
There are other good characters besides those two, of course, although they became my favorites fast. But my third favorite might actually be Azkadelia (the wicked witch).