If you have ever shopped at/ been to or seen an Urban Outfitters, please please please answer a few questions for me for my retailing case study :D
I promise I'll update more if you do :-P
Urban Outfitters Survey
1. Age-
2. Gender-
3.. How frequently would you say you visit Urban Outfitters?
a. Frequently (every other week)
b. Occasionally (Once a month)
c. A few times a year (three times or more a year)
d. Less than three times a year
e. Other (please describe)-
4. Have you ever shopped Urbanoutfitters.com? Yes/No
5. Have you ever received an Urban Outfitters catalog? Yes/No
6. At the Urban Outfitters store you most frequently visit, how would you describe the surrounding area?
a. College town, with stores mostly geared toward a young target market
b. Upscale trendy area with small boutiques and smaller stores
c. The area has some large department stores (such as a Nordstrom, Macys, etc.) and other retailers (such as American eagle, Abercrombie, etc.)
d. It is in a mall or outdoor shopping center
e. Other (please describe)-
7. How do you feel the price point of Urban Outfitters compares to similar retailers (too high/ fair/ lower than average, etc.)
8. When shopping at Urban Outfitters, do you feel you are finding a unique piece of clothing, or ‘what everyone else is wearing’?
9. How would you describe the shopping atmosphere within an Urban Outfitters store?