Aug 04, 2004 13:20
i think today is my last day to mess around at work, even though the boss is on vacay. This other guy is my boss now and he sucks. he gets my office and ill have to go back to the big cubicle room and everyone will see waht im doing, which means it better be work.
ew, i have another migrane.
did i tell you im crushing on my chriopractor? He is super super cute and lately he's been commenting on my physical looks, and i dont think doctors are supposed to do that. He said my hair looks nice, did i get it cut? And when i was wearing a dress he said i looked nice. please, can't he just ask me out already so we can get this highly anticipated make-out session started? yeah right! like that will happen....
i feel good today (apart from the fact that my eyeballs want to jump out of my head-i hate headaches) probably because i slept in a bit and came to work late.
i just realized that i ahvent had coffee yet today so that is probably waht is up with my headaches.