Public Call For Submissions - American Tarot Association Quarterly Journal

Aug 20, 2006 13:29

Crossposted message

The American Tarot Association (ATA) has a quarterly print journal that goes out to its members. I am now that publication's editor.

If you are interested in writing for this journal, please contact me for submission guidelines.

I will serve as editor and will help you with spelling and grammar if you are weak in those areas. I will ask you questions and make suggestions for where your article might be stronger if necessary.

"The American Tarot Association's Mission

The American Tarot Association is a professional and social organization for Tarot enthusiasts, students, scholars, and readers. We promote Tarot as a valid and useful tool for personal and spiritual growth. We do not issue any form of Tarot certification; instead, we support the Tarot community through a variety of programs, including:

**educational courseware
**high-quality publications
**the Free Reading and Free Tarot networks **regional, national, and virtual conferences **outreach and service efforts (like our Prison Service Program) **public and media relations

We encourage ethical conduct among Tarot readers, and ask that all our members abide by our Code of Ethics."

You do not need to be a member of the ATA to write for this publication.

I am looking for regular columnists also.

If you are an artist with a published (mass or self) deck and/or and author with the same, please email me. I would like to feature an artist and/or and author each issue.

You can email me at readings AT tarotbyarwen DOT com. editor @ ATA-tarot DOT com will be working soon, I believe. Please email me with questions. Comments here for clarification are welcomed but email me for submissions guidelines. Thank you.

I am very excited about this chance to be on board for the rebirth of the ATA Quarterly. I hope that you will join me!

Please feel free to forward this on to any Tarot lists that you might be on as long as that list owner has given their permission.
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