Apr 05, 2003 22:20
1*What time is it: 10:22pm
2*Todays Date: 4/5/03
3*Full Name: Stephanie Jo
4*Gender: female
5*Age: 15
6*Birthday: December 14,1987
7*Siblings (age, sex): Joey(32)Jeff(29)Stephen(24)Carl(21)
8*Parents:Stephen Georgianna
9*Nieces: Kassie(10)Krystal(4)Tori(5months april 18th)Angelina(3months april 12th)
10*Nephews: Richard(1)
11*School: ita
12*School colors: Black and gold....I think
13*Car: n/a look at my age
14*Car color:again age
15*Eye color: blue
16*Hair Color: dark blonde
17*Hair Length: just past my shoulders
19*Height: 5'1''/5'2''
20*Skin(pale white, tan ,dark, black): white
21*what are you wearing as of now: jeans/shoes/t shirt/bra/undies/socks
22*Are you wearing make-up? nope
23*Did you take a shower today? umm no sadly
24*Pets (names, kind): Anna(actually she has many names)my cat
25*What are you drinking right now? water
26*Do you smoke? no
27*If so, what do you smoke? ^^
28*Do you have a car, or is it your parents? i dont have one
29*Are you listening to music? yes
30*If so, what song, and who is it by? wonderful by everclear
39*Are you a virgin? yea
40*How far have you been with a guy/girl? just kissed
41*How far would you go just to be with the person you crushed?huh
42*Are you a little devil, or a sweet little innocent ANGEL? ummm u guess
43*Who's your best friend? i hate the whole"best friend thing"
44*Why is she/he your best friend?^
48*What kind of music do you listen to? alittle of everything.MY radio station plays the new stuff which can be rap,punk,r&b,metal.so yea
*************YES OR NO*****************
49*Shy: arounf new ppl
50*Outgoing: yea
51*Ugly: i think so.
52*Pretty: uh...not really.
53*Beautiful:um no
54*Loveable: ummm
55*Sensative: oh yea
56*Nerdy: sure
57*Geek: sure
58*Playa: nope
59*Playa hata: lol no
60*Tall: nope.
62*Only Child: nope
63*Cheated on a test: yup
64*Did someone else's homework: nope
65*let somone act like you on the phone:umm no?
66*asked out your crush: yea
67*Split up a relationship: yes
68*Drove a car:yea
69*Road a roller coaster: yes
70*Chickened out on a roller Coaster: yep
71*Went to a concert:yeah
72*Went to the beach: of course
73*Been to an Ocean: of course
74*Called your boyfriend a jerk: dont think so
75*Made fun of your best friend:not seriously
76*said you loved someone when you really didn't:nope
77*Said you loved someone and you meant it:yuppers
78*Kissed someone: yes
79*Went out on a date, just you and him/her: yes
80*Color: Dark green
81*Flower: ummmmm
82*Car: i don't give a shit about cars.
83*Drink: water
84*Day: thursday
85*Song: wonderful by everclear,stole by kelly rowland,and gangstas paradice by coolio
86*CD: i dunno
87*person: ?
88*Star: ??
89*Actor:dont have one
90*Actress: julia stiles(i think thats her name)
91*Movie: "o"
92*Singer(s): i dunno
93*Rapper(s): eminem
95*Music Video: i don't really watch tv anymore
96*Radio Station(s): 103.7
97*TV Show: i dunno
98*friend at school: i dunno.
99*Animal(s): cat
What time is it now?: 11:04