But the world really would be better if I were in charge.

Mar 23, 2007 18:58

Working with teenagers all day, everyday makes you think about whether things are different now than they were when you were that age. Some kids are great kids and you really see their potential. Others make you wonder about the future of our society and whether it will be a pleasant place to be. I've long thought that many of today's kids (possibly starting some with people my age too) are too spoiled. Their parents let them get away with too much, expose them to too much too soon, don't set enough limits, etc. It seems to me that often causes the kids to have little regard for others and makes them think they should always have their way. They think they can do no wrong and everything is someone else's fault. Get a bad grade, the teacher doesn't like you - that sort of thing. And their parents seem to agree, treating others as if their kid can do no wrong and is really the most important kid, so they should get instant gratification at all times. It isn't every kid, but trust me...I have seen this happen. I have seen a parent yell at a teacher for confiscating the kid's mp3 player when he was listening to it during class. It's crazy really. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say...but what happens with the next generation.

I read this article from the Palm Beach Post, talking about a book on this general subject - Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled - and More Miserable Than Ever Before. The author is a professor and researcher at San Diego State University. I thought the article was interesting. It's something that I'm not sure many people really think much about, but maybe if more of us think about it and realize what is happening, less kids will be raised this way and the world will be a better place for it.


There was also a side article with quotes from the book's author about how she is trying to raise her own, newly born, daughter in light of her research.

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