Baby you're gonna miss that plane.

Aug 05, 2004 00:51

go see Before Sunset-- you will adore it. It is the most beautifully crafted movie I have seen in years. It will not fail you, I promise. the critics compare it to lost in translation and eternal sunshine, and while i found those both severely lacking, this movie contained the best elements that cinema and art have to offer. It essentially asks are you the pessimist, the romantic or the one in between? I am definitely the romantic.

I finished the Red Tent and it hit a chord in me that I never noticed before. I felt a connection to people of all eras-- we all share several innate qualities despite time and place.

I think I have about 14 days of work left...this makes me a little sad, but mostly I am ready for the summer to wind down. Lots left to look forward to and so many amazing acts of good and strands of beauty have already taken place. These moments keep my nerves cool in the heat of the day.

I am at a very different place today than I was a year ago. It pleases me to run into high school classmates and feel comfortable with where I'm at. This year I felt the strongest feelings I have ever known. grief. love. disappointment. success. There are people who haven't lived up to the grand plans I imagined for our friendship, and I'm coping. But there is so much potential that my aries energy is ready for.

Still, I'm that hopeless romantic ready to give anyone a 3rd or 4th or 91st chance. It's in my nature.
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