Rewrite madness, free ebooks, and a request for advice

May 01, 2013 14:37

I'm in the middle of intense revision madness right now, which means - as my poor family can attest - that I'm alternately grouchy, weepy, or exhilarated, depending on how the rewrite is going from hour to hour. I'm also going to be even slower than usual about replying to emails, etc., until after I turn in the rewrite (in 2 weeks). (And maybe for a while afterwards, since I'll then be racing towards my next freelance deadline!)

BUT! There are cool things I wanted to pass on, and I also wanted to ask for advice.

First, the cool stuff!

1. If you're in the UK, you can finally get my Kat short story "Dueling Magics" free as a Kindle ebook from or as a UK Nook-book.

(I didn't even know until today that were WERE Nooks in the UK! But they're actually on sale for £29 right now, which I find...strangely tempting! Alas, I can't see any real reason to get one - after all, I do already have a Kindle! And yet...and yet...what about you guys? Do any of you have a Nook? What do you think of it?)

I am so glad "Dueling Magics" is finally free on the UK sites as well as the US ones! I'd been feeling really guilty about that until now. And of course, everyone else in the world can still find it free in every format on Smashwords.

2. In exactly 9 days, my first Kat book will be coming out in France as Kat, Apprentie magicienne, tome 1! Just check out the gorgeous cover:

I love it so much - and it makes me desperately wish that I could read French! (Or at least that I could hop the EuroStar over to Paris to visit it in stores later this month!) I can't wait to get my author copies.

And the advice?

I've been tagged to do a "Next Big Thing" post tomorrow. Unfortunately, I belatedly remembered that I already wrote one for Low Road (the novel I'm revising right now, which I hope will go out on submission this month) several months ago. Erk! So my question is: do I re-post my Low Road blog post from earlier, since so much time has passed? Do I write about Stolen Magic instead? Or should I write about Family Magic, the WIP I'm 3/5 of the way through first-drafting?

Any votes or other suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you!

writing process, kat, low road, ebooks, sales, covers

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