Oof. Someday soon, I keep promising myself, I will start replying to my backlog of personal emails from people I care about. I will get to the post office to mail off everything I owe that is MONTHS late at this point. I will catch up with my life!
Today, though, as Aragorn might well say in my situation...well, today is Not That Day.
Ever since my lovely, lovely birthday on Monday, I've been in massive deadline panic mode, racing to get through freelance edits and more rounds of Kat 3 line-edits. (They're all great edits, and all well worth doing - it's simply the way of line-edits that they're much like horror movie villains: they just keep coming back!) Add in my first school field-trip with MrD (there were fire engines! and hoses! and helmets! and tantrums!), and oof. In my non-working, non-parenting time, I've been pretty much laid out flat, panting and listening to Yo-Yo Ma until my heart rate slows down a bit.
But! I realized with a nice shock this morning that it's only 7 days till Wilful Impropriety, the Victorian YA romance anthology I'm part of (which was edited by Ekaterina Sedia), comes out in the UK! The full title is: Wilful Impropriety: 13 Tales of Society and Scandal, and I can't wait to see it on the shelves over here (and on e-readers, since it's coming out as an ebook on the same day).
The mission that all of the anthology's writers were given was: write a long YA short story (between 7-10,000 words), set in the Victorian era, and involving a romance that breaks the rules. Talk about a yummy assignment! The romances could be forbidden by any of the Victorian social rules, so the anthology includes romances that cross class lines, romances that are LGBT, and a whole variety of other kinds of forbidden romance, too.
I really enjoyed writing my story, "The Unladylike Education of Agatha Tremain", which - of course - involves not only rule-breaking romance (which was delicious to write!) but an awful lot of rule-breaking magic, too.
You can pre-order it as a paperback
from Foyles or
Waterstones (or any other UK retailer) or as an ebook
from Amazon (or any other UK ebook retailer). And it'll be out in America in September!
This is the first YA anthology I've ever been a part of, so I'm feeling really giddy about it, as you can tell. :)
So...I'm not getting out much this week, to be honest. And I'm a little brain-dead at the moment, to say the least. But good things are happening - and next week's publication day feels like another holiday worth anticipating. I'm already planning a celebration! Chocolate will definitely be involved.
What are you guys looking forward to in the next month?