It's always hard to settle back into routine after time off. This weekend was particularly wonderful, for many reasons - for one thing, on Saturday afternoon Patrick and MrD dropped me off at Borders with strict instructions NOT to do any work, no matter what! - and then didn't come back for me for four hours. Poor me, abandoned in a bookstore with nothing to do but read and eat...oh, who am I trying to kid? I was in heaven. I drank tea, ate chocolate, drank an elderflower pressé, read a whole book, read another...and, yeah, I also broke down, bought a notebook and made some notes for Kat3. But still! That was only for half an hour out of the four hours. I still (mostly) followed the rules! And it was all completely delicious...although by the end I was going into serious baby withdrawal. I needed my baby back in my arms!
(I also realized that parenthood has Changed me in more ways than I'd known. There was a tiny 5-week-old baby wailing across the café from me, and rather than feeling either of my pre-parenthood reactions - (a) easily ignoring him, or (b) feeling grateful that the crying wasn't my problem - I had to fight the strong physical urge to run across the café, scoop him up onto my shoulder, and walk him around until he was happy again! Luckily, I managed to talk myself out of it, so as not to be (a) kicked out of the café/arrested or (b) proven a total psychopath. But, WOW. That never used to be an impulse I had to fight, in the old days!)
Today Patrick's back at work, we're back in our normal routines...and I've realized that I need to throw out the first 18 pages of Kat Book 3 which I'd written back in January. Sigh. I really, really wanted to be able to keep them with only mild revisions...but they start in the wrong place, and I know it, and that's going to bug me until I do something about it. I've been planning to get a wordmeter for the duration of the
write-a-thon, but since my first day of work consisted of deleting 18 pages, my wordmeter would have to show negative progress. Oh well. Maybe MrD will decide to have a really long nap this afternoon and the wordmeter will appear after all...
How about you guys? How are your Mondays going so far?