bugs, books, and guilty pleasures

Feb 19, 2009 17:10

It's been a while since I posted a journal entry, but the problem is, in the last week, Mr Darcy has suffered through a nasty stomach bug (thankfully now safely past!) - and, as I hope every other parent will be able to corroborate (surely this can't just be me? please??? lie to me about this if you must, to make me feel better!), his illness = my complete loss of sleep and all other higher functions in life. Seriously, in the past week, my whole world narrowed to a little round focus around him, as he slept EVEN LESS than usual, and screamed soooo much more than ever before. Sigh. He's feeling all better now, back to his normally cheerful, sociable self, and so am I, but still, there's a dearth of really fascinating, sparkly journal entries that can be written about Life With a Baby's Stomach Bug...

...At least not to anyone who's not his parent. Sadly, I could probably entertain myself that way...but nobody else. So I am nobly restraining myself!

I have been reading, though. (No surprise!) As one of my Valentine's gifts, Patrick got me Sarah Dessen's This Lullaby, which I loved - it's a really sharp, smart romantic comedy, kind of like an edgy Jennifer Crusie romance, but written for teens. Sooo yummy! He also got me the DVD of Practical Magic, which is one of my guilty-favorite movies - many, many smart people have informed me that it is Universally Acknowledged By People With Taste to be a Bad, Bad Movie, but I still love it and think it's wonderful. Oh well. I guess I officially have Bad Taste. But it was really fun to watch it again anyway, and it cheered me up immensely on a day when I would otherwise have felt pretty grim about Mr Darcy's bug and my lack of sleep.

What about you guys? What are your guilty pleasure movies (or books)?

watching, reading, baby

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