Dear Yuletide Goat

Nov 17, 2011 20:38

Dear Yuletide Goat,

Thank you very much for offering to write a story for me.  This is my first time in the exchange, and I'm looking forward to it.  I'm posting here, because the exchange is based on LiveJournal, but most of my actual blogging is over here.  (It's pretty political right now, because we have a General Election coming up, but there's more random burbling earlier on.)

I think that overall I'd love a light and fluffy story (did I mention that there's an election coming?).  I'm fine with any pairings that you may like, either friendship or relationships.  I'm also fine with implied erotica, but I blush easily, so writing in the Gen/Teenages rating would probably work better than more explicit material.  I'm really not fine with non-consensual, violent, underage, or incestuous relationships (or anything that's illegal in most jurisdictions, I guess?)  BDSM is something that... I'm happy for my friends who find it makes them happy, but it's not something I really grok at an emotional or erotic level.

Of the Fandoms I asked for, some possible prompts:
Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer is a bit of an elusive figure in the Tales and his other works.  He'll write himself in, but at a very self-deprecating level, and gets insulted and told to shut up by the other characters a lot.  It might be nice if one of the characters he's writing about manages to corner him and gets some plain speaking and honesty from the man.

Derkholm - At the end of The Year of the Griffin, Blade and Flury decide that they're quite keen on Claudia and Elda, but that the girls are too young to be approached.  It would be nice to find out what happens when Claudia and Elda are old enough, and find that they have their own opinions on the matter, thank you very much.  Preferably with lots of running around and shouting, because it's Claudia and Elda, and they're both strong willed and spreaders of chaos.

A Little Princess - it always struck me as unfair that Becky, who is just as deserving as Sara, is always treated as a tagalong in the gifts from the Ill Neighbour Next Door, and all because she didn't have the good fortune to speak Hindi and have elegant habits and diction.  It would be nice if there were someone who thought she were the most important girl, just for once.

But, of course, these are just prompts.  If there's something else that you're keen on writing, please go ahead, and I'm sure it will be wonderful.

Thank you!



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