Party in the D-town!

Aug 29, 2003 20:15

So I am bout to call everyone I know in Detroit right now because I am B.O.R.E.D! We need a party up in here. Craig says I have to wait to throw a party in their apartment until he gets back so I guess that is out.

Anyone wanna go dancing? I'm in a dancing mood. I'm in an anything mood really. Video games, out to eat, movie...whatever, I am down for it. Seriously just get me out of this house! I didn't work today and I skated really early so I have been around my sisters all day and I love them really but they are driving me NUTS! Oh my gawsh. Mandy keeps asking if she can drive my truck tonight (NO!), Melissa has a friend over and they are making up dances to Justin Timberlake songs and making all kinds of noise, Libby and Cat are playing hide-and-seek and they think it's fun to hide IN MY BED (where I am sitting), and Julia is screaming her head off because that's what babies do until they're like 3 apparently. Anyway. I don't even want to talk on the phone (*gasp*) because my house is so loud right now. I need to get ooouuuttt!

==The Day You Met==

Your mood before seeing them: Excited, I had just come out of a practice session at Nats in 00 and the senior guys were hanging around.

Where you first saw them: At the practice session...well backstage from the rink. I was looking for my coach and he was talking to some of the other guys, waiting for the zamboni to finish

Who introduced you: Well Aaron knew someone in the group so he walked over and I followed. We all introduced ourselves.

What you noticed first: His personality, he was totally dominating the conversation and he was so funny.

What they noticed first: I dunno, I remember being quiet and shy (weird for me i know)

Your first impression of them: He was so funny and he put me at ease even though I felt out of place with all the senior guys, I was just a silly junior pairs girl

Their first impression of you: I dunno

First thing they said in your prescence: He was telling some sort of joke when we walked up

First thing they said to you: "Hey I'm Ryan."

Kind of person you thought they were: Fun, and hot (hee)

From 1-10 [10 being highest likelihood], how much of a chance you thought you had with them: Maybe a 4. But only being optimistic.

Did you remember their name when you got home that night, after seeing them? Yeah of course


Song: I dunno, I'm not big on songs. I like "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain

Movie: "10 things I Hate About You," I made him watch it with me and then I found out that he'd already seen it (with AP of course, she loves Julia Stiles) and he liked it but he was embarrassed to tell me

Saying/Quote: I dunno...

Friend: AP, because he's her brother

Food: Chinese because we love ordering it together

Drink: Code Red, he always drinks it

Household Appliance: I guess the grill because we had grilled stuff for 4th of July when everything sorta came out...

Book: He likes those Stephen King books, they creep me out though

Kind of Dance: Ballroom, he's the only guy I've ever tried it with, we were hilariously terrible

Season: Summer, we saw each other most often this summer

Type of Tree: HOW RANDOM

Animal: I guess bunnies, because mine pooped on him and it was funny lol

Flower: Sunflowers, I don't know why. Maybe cuz he's always happy


ok time to call everyone! Who wants to go dancing???!!

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