Mar 14, 2005 20:43
well, i havent updated in forever, i dont know where to start. Everything has been really crazy lately. Me and my were fighting a lot last week because she wont let me go see my dad. and it really starts to make me mad. the banquit was thursday. i didnt go, i was on the way to go, and me and my mom got to fighting, i dont know how it all started. i said a "smart ass comment" i guess? and she was bitching saying im to much like amanda, i cant say no to that one. because SHE IS MY SISTER!! sooo..then of course i go home. sit in my room and then she comes and talks to me like everythings better.
Friday i went to school and then the cheerleading team headed off to the hotel to stay the night for States we got there, un-loaded the bus...then went to T.G.I.F fridays for was sooooooooo good! then we went back to the hotel and did our hair and made shirts and did all the team time. Me and Tracy talked a lot more then we usally do. she's awesome. so we fianlly went to bed. i woke up to 5 and it sounded like someone was puking. And i didnt think about it, then i relized katie was throwing up in the bathroom, it was pretty sick, and she was sick alllllllllllll saturday.
After after all of cheerleading was over, we ranked 10th in the state. witch isnt to bad. so, we went to bob evans for lunch, it was AMAZING!! hah ive never been there before, it was really good! then i got a ride home with kelly.
Once i got home, i showerd and Amanda and becca came and got me. and we went tanning and driving around.
Sunday i slept till like 3:00 i was amazed by myself. Then finally amanda came and got me, we went tanning then back to my dads, showered and then went to Uncle Andy's..<3 i love that pizza!! and just going there to hang out with phily and all them!! there great!!
Today was gay, i didnt do anything. and i was sad all day
i really hope tomorrow is a better day. :-/
>>I'll be just fine pretending I'm not<<