Sep 10, 2008 23:40
What a nice image this immediately conjures.
It happens to be a widely-held expression akin to "pig in a poke".
It happens to be the expression Mc Cain used back in February or March about Hillary Clinton's ideas.
It happens to be the essence of the supposed "change" (?!?) newly-found by McCain, after 7 years of supporting Bush with his votes, after he figured out that "maverick" lost in most primaries back when he opposed him.
Now because Obama called upon that old, trite expression of "pig with lipstick", he is accused of sexism: calling the one behind the carefully applied lipstick a pig? That is far-fetched. That accusation from the campaign that used the same expression when it suited them only months ago is indeed a fake, as Obama said himself just tonight.
But wait a minute... as Ellen mentioned on another list, maybe there is a reason to equate Palin with a pig. What with all that pork she managed to amass for her hometown of Wasilla, AK. Hehehe.
OK, granted, that's name-calling. Guilty as charged. The other side has been doing it for decades, and it's time we respond in kind. Gloves off now, until November 4th! CHARGE!