Jan 11, 2006 00:55
Sign?: aquarius
Age?: 19
Sex?: girllll
School?: sucks!
Glasses/contacts?: 20/20 niggaa
Braces?: used to...need em again:/
Fat/skinny?: skinny i guess
Tall/short?: tall
Do you like ketchup?: yesss siir
Do you like mustard?: fuckin HATTTEEE it
Do you like mayonnaise?: sometimes
Do you like pickles?: yes
Do you like boys or girls?: sometimes both
Do you like pickle relish?: ew
Do you like chicken?: nuggets!
Do you like spinach?: only if its dip
Do you like school?: who does?
Do you like pokemon?: ummm negative
Do you talk to voices in your head?: all the time
Do they tell you to do stuff?: yes and i listen
Do you listen?: umm
How often do you talk on the phone?: whenever ppl call
How often do you surf the web?: like erryday
How often do you hang out with friends?: alot
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope.
Have you ever loved anyone?: yes
Have you ever made-out with someone?: yeah
How often do you shower?: when i feel like i need one
Which group do you hang out with at school? i dont go to school
Do you always get in trouble? yes
Do you get along with your parents?: rarely
Are you gonna go to college?: yeah
Who is your best girl friend?: dayna,jess,amy
Who is your best boy friend?: mike knows me the best
Who do you talk to the most on the phone?: mike
Who do you talk to the most on the net?: ur mom
Do you like gold or silver jewelry?: silver
Have you ever prank called a 1-800 number?: all the time
Are you weird? who isn't?
How long does it take you to get ready for class? it depends on what mood im in
Do you like coffee?: sometimes....it makes me tired
What is the longest you have went out with someone?: 2 years
Do you regret it?: no regrets
Do you want to live?: a warm state...mayb texas or arizona
Is the most fun place to go?:i dunno mannnn
Do you want to go heaven or hell?: ughh heaven
Do you want to get married?: yeah
Do you like to do?: drink/smoke/partayyyy/kiss
Friend is always there?:hmm good question
Are you wearing?: sweat pants and tee
Relative sends you the most money for Christmas?:my step-gmom
Do you want to be when you grow up?:paris hilton
Do you want your wife's name to be?:umm i dont want a wife
Is your favorite sport?: sleeping
Cried?:a lil
Gotten in major trouble?: nope
Cut your hair?: nope
Ate a meal?: id hope so
Hugged someone?: yeah
Kissed someone?: yep
Made a new friend?: nope
Lost something?: nah
Been so drunk you passed out?: who hasn't
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: all the time
Had an imaginary friend?:yes but it was a unicorn
Cried during a chick flick?: all the time
Owned a new kids on the block cd? nah
Gotten in a car accident?: yeah like 25
Liked someone so much you cried?: i guess
Made faces in the mirror?: haha
Spent more than one hour on your hair?: yep sadly
Watched a scary movie and couldnt sleep all night?:i get scared from scary movie commercials dood!
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?: i have no memory
Which movie could you watch over and over?:mean girls?What was the last movie you saw?:requium for a dream
Who do you go to the movies with?:strangers
What movie made you cry the most?:the notebook/titanic
Who would you take if you only had one person you could bring?:a boy
What three things would you bring?:food,chocolate milk, mirror hahahah
What island would you want to be stranded on?:treasure island nukkas
What animal would you kill for food?:id be too scared to kill an animal
Would you write on the sand, HELP!?:prolly
Would you panic or relax?: panic... duh.
Jump out of a plane?: yeaaaaa
Kiss your best guy friend?: i have.
Go bungee jumping?: yeah.
Stay in your room for a whole day?: i have but i hate it
Go in the snow without clothes?: ru crazy
Skinny dip?: yeah
Drink salt water?: sure
Touch road kill?: gross
Smile at your worst enemy?: done it.
Go to Reno to get married?: where the fuck is reno?
Throw a party without your parents?: do it all the time
Go to a foreign country?:done itt
Fly a plane?: negative
If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?:id tell my friends to split it all
Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?: no one
If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call? my mom
What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be?: fuckin paris hilton or brittany gastineau
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?: my laziness
What is the one thing you just have to do before you die?: alot of things
What is the thing you care about most in your life?: living.
Winter or summer?: summer
The beach or the mountains?:beach
Pop or punk?: punk
Rock or rap?: rock
New York or L.A.?: NY
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?: dark chocolate
Dogs or cats?: dogs
Country or classical?: country
Day or night?: night
Lake or ocean?: lake
Waffles or pancakes?:tough one...
Soccer or football?: football
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Sugar or spice?: sugar
If you could be in any movie as the lead role, what movie would it be?: mean girls
If you could design your perfect mate what would he look like and be like?: he would be tall, dark and handsome with light eyes and nice personality and treats me like the queen that i am :)
Fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking?: ummm
Run into a wall?: hahahah thats how i got my scar above my eyebrow!!!
Snuck out of the house at night?: always
Laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose?: negative
Started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow?: no
Swallow a bug?: yeah
Have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution?: i dont make them
Eat bugs purposely?: ewww
Commit a crime?: yeah im craaazy
Change your religion?: fuck religion
Lie to your parents?: nah
Jump over a waterfall?: that would be fun
Go out at night dressed in something like a black trench coat and sunglasses?: ummm
Have your life threatened?: yes
Stayed up until the morning light talking online?:yep
Made people give you really weird glances?: yeah
Read a Shakespeare play?: yes
Talked in your sleep?: yes
What did you say?:what DONT i say?
Who do you like?: a boy
Do you want to kiss them?: mayyyybe
Did u like this survey?: no its fuckin long
How long did it take?: i dunno