I am non too pleased with the results of this years election, but at least it is only a minority government run by a right-wing robot... it's also sad that 60% didn't even vote for him. Wow.
I am very sad to see that he has won, because... one of the main problems I foresee is his way of handling forgein affairs for the next however long he will be in "power". He does remind me so much of Mr. Bush in that way. I dont want my tax dollars going to the military, or for that matter;
(do they even have any way of monitoring where that money actually goes??)
If they can't afford to have children, why is this now my and your problem? There are already too many children in this world as it is, so now people are being rewarded 100$ to have a child?
I can't afford any more cats, and I want some, can the govenment give me money to help raise them?
They cost less and I bet a negected kitten never shot anyone on Younge street before.
I am pleased to see NDP has gotten some well deserved respect and notoriety. Good job, Jack. He has run this party very well, and I am very proud of him.
I am also very pleased to see that the Green party support rising around the nation, because they have very good ideas that everyone needs to support and listen to. I, myself voted Green.
No other party is about living in the future, keeping our country and (world) not only safe, but sustainable for the future, for our children and for my demographic. No other party really touched on green roofs, or anything to that caliber and I think that is something that we all need to really look at as a huge problem in this country. Has anyone been downtown on a really hot day? You cam't even breathe let alone see the tops of the buildings, and that will only get worse if people are rewarded and not scoulded on having such huge tanks of gas just idling on the streets of Younge, Bay, Queen or Spadina. People that are being irrisponsible with this planet and country, need to be punished (more taxes on the more gas you buy, maybe? the bigger car, bigger the ecologocial footprint you will leave)and the people trying to make this planet a better place to live for all of us (people that dont drive at all, as well as people that drive very small cars or hybrid cars, or take public transit whenever they can) should be rewarded in anyway possible. This planet is clearly in trouble (just look at this January's weather) we are killing it and no one even seems to be concerned about it as a politcal issue. We are more interested in getting those "money-hungry" Liberals out of office... and that's sad, because yes, it was horrible that we had our money taken from us, but none of the people involved in that were even elected Liberals!
"just a few bad apples.." as someone would say.
but that just takes away from the real problems; we are killing this planet at a rediculously fast rate.
The philosophy behind the green party has really gotten to me.
I wish, I wish that they had gotten more votes tho, because I wish they had gotten at least 1 seat... but maybe next year, because I bet thats when the next election will be. :S
I was also saddend and pleased at the same time when I saw Paul Martin step down as the Liberal leader. He did it very graciously and very nobely. Good job, Paul. Sad to see you go.
if anyone didn't bother to vote;
again, I am saddened to see that my demographic is so disenfranchised and disenchanted with politcs these days, that again, we had a very low number of students voting. (better than last election, but still; not even half of the people ages 18-24 even voted!!)
Disappointed would be the word of the day today, if I were on Sesame Street.
At least the Conservatives can't really rehatch the gay-marriage and abortion issues because that is just preposterous. And no one will let them get away with that.
One final thing; I loved what Stephane Dior had to say. I am very, very impressed. What a charasmatic man. I gope he gets more involved, I do.
My bet, we'll be back to the polls in about two years or less.
Anyone care to make any comments?
I'd like to hear what everyone has to say about this.
If anyone is going to take anything I've said away from this and ponder it at a later date, please try to think about this;
Even if you don't agree with all the Greens opinions, please just try to live your life leaving the smallest ecological footprint you possibliy can.
-Turn off the lights in all the rooms you are not in.
-Do not idle cars (do not drive if you can!)
-Do not leave your computer on just so you can get msn messages at a later time! TURN IT OFF WHEN YOU'RE NOT USING IT!
-Stop smoking! (for your health and the planets, and MY health!)
-Plant as much greenery as you can! (and if you can afford it, or wish to, take part in the green roofs!
-Take public transit!
-Don't support companies that are destroying our planet! ie Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Wal-Mart, Kleenex, Mc Donalds ect. (you are what you eat and you are what you support! remember that!) (
-EDUCATE YOURSELF! (ignorance is your worst enemy by far!)
-GO VEGAN! (if not for moral reasons even if it does save millions of animals lives and not to mention millions of acres of land!) (How we eat also affects the air, the water, the forests and the oceans. The production of meat has a devastating impact on the subtle web of connections that sustains life on our planet. Rainforests are leveled to raise cattle, factory farms pollute rivers and lakes, over-grazing erodes fertile land into arid desert, and vast quantities of energy and water are wasted to raise animals for food. At sea, huge fishing drift nets turn acres of ocean into graveyards. All this damage to the earth can be stopped. Taking meat and dairy off your plate will make a difference.)
-Do not litter!
-Do not over comsume!
-Buy organic goods whenever possible.
-Eat out less, cook more. (it tastes so much better, trust me!)
Also please, just listen to people around you and be openminded.
Alright, thats my rant of the year.
Thanks for listening.