and so everyone, i am back. baby i'm baack! and it feels good, i guess. 'twas fun in new jersey/new york. well i basically spent my whole 10 days mostly in new jersey. and sadly guys, i didn't even take that much pictures, especially of new york. it was so stupid because every time i had my camera, i always had it on low or dead battery.... or no battery inside the fucking camera itself at all... AHAHA! so yeah, i am a total idiot. but i guess i'll just say christmas/new years was fun while it lasted. and now theres fucking school and i now i have to see all your ugly faces again. ^_^ just kidding.
oh yeah, HAAPPPY NEW YEARS!! :)
most of my pictures are on cheea.
biggest cutie evver.. (literally)
...i mean hes big, likke fattiee..
yeap...hes a live one
(8)math is a wonderful thing... math is a really cool thing(8)
what the fuck is that in the background?...
holy shit its darth vader.. he stole my fucking guitar.
haha i stole his helmet!
yeeah i'm emo! SLIT MY WRISTS!
meet my cousin philip, hes spanish..
and part jewish? WA?...i didn't know that.
we were SO bored before on new years eve..
anyways, seriously now..
went to radio city to watch the christmas spectacular...
those are the "toy soldiers" they did some slow motion human domino collapsing style type thing. it was too sick.
so many people were out that night, so crowded. it was so crowded that everyone was smushed together, that someone touched my ass..
my sister and me.
family tinngzz.
counting down...
charlies ready.. haha i had to put it twice.
me and sam...
aww new jersey was fuun. too much my camera didn't take enough of it.
i'll probably have mooree pictures later. i'm tired now.
goodnight! :)