Dec 03, 2006 19:38
Ok. Sometimes I like to be left completely alone. I am perfectly content sitting in my room, with my door closed, watching any sort of TLC marathon ALL DAY. This gets very difficult to do when some roommate whose name starts with an A and ends in Lyssa feels the need to knock on my door every 15-30 minutes and ask what I'm doing. I'll just be laying on my bed watching TV, and she'll either open the door or knock VERY LOUDLY if it's locked. She'll stand in the doorway, look around my room and comment on EVERYTHING. She'll say everything very jokingly, but the 'jokes' aren't even funny "Why are your clothes on the floor, don't you know how to use a closet?" or just annoying comments in general "Why would you put your backpack THERE. I put mine on my chair so it doesn't take up room on the floor." COOL. Next time I need advice about where to put my backpack, I'LL CALL YA!! I don't feel like interrupting my TLC marathons to answer retarded questions such as these. Or, there's the classic "What are you DOING." Well, usually when people are laying on their beds watching TV, there's no mystery as to what they're up to. Ooh, another one. Once I was sitting at my desk and the TV was on behind me, I was just listening to the show... and Alyssa decides to stand in my doorway and inquire about my study habits until she's friggen blue in the face "why is your TV on while you're typing? You know you can think better when it's quiet. Maybe you should go to the library." MAYBE YOU SHOULD SHUT THE HELL UP. My door is closed for a REASON. She's not required to stand in my doorway and comment on anything!!!
Plus, she acts like a child about everything... but that is a whole nother story. I don't care that nother isn't a word, biotch. She just does. You know those shirts that 13 year old Latino girls wear that say crap like "It's all about me!" and "2 Cute 4 U" and all that trashy shit? Well she's obsessed with all of it! And she thinks everything else is ugly!
I'm sick of being sick of everyone! I need a BREAK!!!