Title: o13
Pairing/Fandom: SHINee, JongKey
Rating: G
Warnings: Smoop, fluff :)
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. I make no claim to own any of the people in this story. Any similarities between this and any other story is purely coincidental.
Author's Note: Fic Dump :)
"Can you hear it?" Jonghyun asked as he pulled Key to into a hug, angling Key's head so it rested on his chest.
"Hear what, Jjong?"
"My heart, playing a love song, just for you." Jonghyun said, the words spoken into Key's hair, causing a light flush to rush to the younger's cheeks. "I know I say it a lot, but I really do mean it. Kibum, I love you."