Mar 14, 2004 15:08
Nearly all my friends are on retreat this weekend. After much deliberation I had decided not to go, with work and other things that I've put off. It was a hard decision =/ . Anyway, I’m happy that the retreat happened at all, knowing that it had been originally been postponed indefinitely. After much determination and hard work it was rescheduled- and I’m positive it was an amazing prayerful experience given such an excellent planning team. =) Y’all have to tell me all about it.
My HS friends came to visit me on Thursday night ‘cause it was Yuhlo’s Bday (Megan’s a few days earlier) and they were all on their spring breaks anyway. We went out to Ypsi and it was good times. My first impression of EMU students is that the majority of them see Thursday night = Friday night. I don’t know why this really surprises me at all, ‘cause that’s true here for lots of people here at UM. Including me. But that’s only because I don’t have classes on Fridays (just a voice lesson at 2pm). 0=) I am aware though that a large percentage appear to see Monday = Friday (=Tuesday=Wednesday=St. Patrick’s Day). For the latter there is this proposition for something involving Windsor and green beer. As much as I love/trust my friends I don’t think I could justify going to Windsor on a Wednesday night. But that’s just me. So we got back around 2:30 and Yuhlo and Megan decided to drive home while they were still awake. I didn’t really like the idea ‘cause I am a chronic worrier and the weather could have been more driving-friendly. Crazy March weather. Erin slept over and we talked for a while about things, eventually falling asleep somewhere around 4am.
I woke up to Friday with it strangely feeling like Saturday, and if it weren’t for the fact that I had looked forward to my lesson all week, I would have been convinced. Erin and I found Anne (yes!! our wonderful talented cellist, Anne!) online, and invited her to lunch at Stockwell. We had a lovely time catching up with things, while she remarked on the expansive selection of food in the dorm. I can understand how apartment living + lots of credits + flywheel tournaments have given a whole new meaning to “the college life.” Life out of the dorms ought to be interesting, though slightly alarming. I try to imagine sinking into a normalcy involving such things as hash browns three meals a day, or seeing quarters and automatically thinking “laundry.” Perhaps the prospect of living by candlelight isn’t so ridiculous after all. =) No matter what though, I know I’ll be with some great people and I am grateful for that. I definitely see fun times ahead at 1327 Wilmont #9. Btw, you’re all invited to the apartment warming of a yet-to-be-determined date. ^_~
I had an interesting and enjoyable voice lesson. Lately, I’ve had a more positive outlook on them, in terms of helping me grow as a musician. While time to time I have some minor communication issues with my teacher, I feel that he’s helped me a lot, not only in technique but in attitude. That is something I struggle with in performance and with other things to an extent. I’ve realized that my growing confidence as a singer has helped me with my confidence as a person. It is not easy to always express yourself wholly to others; but when you find that you are able to, the feeling is incredibly liberating. It’s like God unleashes something inside of you that you didn’t know existed. How Can I Keep From Singing? I don’t think I could ever stop. My lesson is back to back with Jen’s, so when she came we sang a duet together which was really fun . I love making music with other people. We need to do more of that. Let me know if you’re interested. =)
After lessons I hung out with Kenny for a while before he left to go on the St. Mary’s retreat. We did lots of things in a short amount of time, including: laundry, packing, Meijer, bank, gas and the like. After he dropped me off my mood closely matched that of the weather: somewhat grey and melancholy. It was going to be an unusually quiet and lonely weekend. I did have a dinner date with Lisa at Potbelly, however. We chatted as the Andrews played songs. These are times I can already envision becoming nostalgic. This coming summer sans weekly dinners at Potbelly and the Andrews’ renditions of Hey Ya and Ignition remix will feel strange to me. =/ Now that nearly all my friends are staying in A2 this summer, I have more reason than ever to visit as often as possible. The inevitable future gas expenses increase my motivation to find a decent job. I struggle to maintain a positive outlook on that one, given set plans of a family vacation and 1-2 courses at State. There’s always Michael’s I know, but I can’t say I wouldn’t be disappointed if I ended up there. I can only hope.
Friday night my creative impulses kicked in because I spent many hours working on a portrait of my mother. Believe it or not, this is actually an assignment for one of my classes! The assignment is to create a portrait of someone we have observed or are able to observe in their everyday life. We are given the free reign of choosing whatever format works: written or visual, or some combination of both. I haven’t finished it yet. It’s hard enough for me to draw people I imagine in my head - trying to capture someone you know is a challenge to me on a whole different level. It’s amazing how well you can identify with their every feature and facial detail, in their every gesture and movement. With a slight difference on the page, it looks like someone else. It’s frustrating and satisfying to work on all at the same time.
Saturday I did a lot of laundry and cleaning. I don’t know what it is about me and cleanliness lately; I am certainly not the most organized person, but there is something about trying to be more so that is all together fulfilling. I even made significant progress in organizing the thousands of pictures on my hard drive. I’m thinking this could turn into another summer project. I talked to my parents on the phone. Sometime ago I felt like we were having communication problems, but lately it has been wonderful. We talked In the late afternoon, I went to Kerrytown with Anne to look around, but to my expectation there was not much at the Farmers’ Market. I find it still impressive that they remain officially open year-round, despite the obvious decline of customers in the winter months. To our dismay, Anne and I could not find any flowers we liked so we made a detour to Busch’s to get some there. When I got back to my room later, I spent some time arranging them and afterwards my room and I felt quite a bit more cheerful. It’s like I’m trying to encourage spring to come along a little faster. =)
I studied for lots of hours Saturday. When it got to be late and the time that I’d normally be with Kenny and/or friends, I took to absorbing myself in my book for my writing class. I finished the last 136 pages of Girl with a Pearl Earring. It was good. After that I sent many e-mails to lots of interesting people. I went to sleep relatively early.
Sunday I woke up in a good mood. Totally opposite of the weather you could say this time. I finally posted my ASB pictures. I’ve cleared up the conflict I had with Holy Thursday and my third physics exam. I went to Starbucks and did most of the reading I had to do for Bio this week. And then I came back here to write about my weekend. I have a sectional for Holy Thursday orchestra today, which I am looking forward to more than ever because of the fact that I know I’m not rehearsing to tentatively play. I will get to see my friends at Mass tonight and we’re singing some great music this week. I might be cooking dinner over at Kenny’s, we’ll see. So all in all, the rest of the day looks good. =)