Nov 10, 2005 08:18
So im in school right now! I woke up yesterday not feeling to well so my mom let me sleep until 10 and then i got up to go to Tech! Tech was pretty fun actually, we are doing this Monopoly project in my math pull-out class so theres no homework, hehe! I got home from school and visited with my mom then my aunt came and picked my sister and i up! I got an ATM card so thats pretty exciting then we went to Target! After all the shopping we did Tom called me so i talked to him for about 1/2 an hour! We all came back to my house for Birthday cake since i was gone at a movie on my acutal birthday! The cake was really good! My mom had to go to this meeting so my grandma came over! Trent called so i talked to him for about an hour, hehe.. that was fun then i got on line and talked to a bunch of people! My aunt called me around 8:00 so i went over there to watch *Saw* with her so i could explain it to her and get her ready for *Saw 2*! I got to talk to my bestest friend Ariel yesterday so that was good and she's most likley comming over friday :-D!! Well after the movie at my aunts i headed home, it was sooo scary on the way home! I was like 5 houses from Bridgetts house when 2 deer run right out infront of my car, one deer just stood there then this 3rd deer runs right into the side of my door it scared me soo bad, i was driving like 5 MPH after that, hehe! Well i have to ride the sweet bus to Tech today, but oh well! After School my Aunt Donna and Uncle John are comming over with my present so im excited about that! Anyways i gotta get this summary typed up and then head to 2nd hour! LEAVE COMMENTS
I love my gurl.. S*C*B*H*M*S*M*M*C*A*K*M*A*D*B*L*B*K*E*C*H*L <3