Jul 04, 2004 15:28
not really in the mood to type out some long and involved entry or anything like that. yesterday i worked from 3-7pm and watched everyone getting ready with their families for the weymouth fireworks(little girls holding onto mommys arm and young boys grabbing onto daddys leg getting praised for ordering their own donut), bf's with their arms wrapped around their gfs looking as happy and proud as can be, and groups of teenage girls laughing at nothing and falling all over eachother -dressed to impress any guys they might just happen to run into during the fireworks. i actually enjoyed watching all the different groups of people that rushed in. last night i went to teddys (who left for new york today and wont be home until wed/thurs... im a sad panda<--kind of came off sounding somewhat sarcastic, but isnt in any way shape or form..) w/james and leen and this morning i worked from 5am-1230, and once again, watched millions of people pour into dunkin donuts sporting their Fourth of July attire : P
Hold my hand
Make me warm
Tell me I am loved
Give me hope
Let me cry
Make me feel
Give me touch