
May 21, 2004 10:23

What is your favorite..gum:Orbit restaurant:Famous Daves drink:Pepsi or Water season:Summer type of weather:Sunny, but not too hot emotion:Happy thing to do on a half day:Hang out with Friends late-night activity:Watch T.V, talk on the phone sport:Volleyball city:Orlando store:Aeropostale - Pac Sun When was the last time you..cried:a while ago played a sport:Yesterday during school laughed:Last night hugged someone:Last night kissed someone:Last night felt depressed:A while ago felt elated:all the time felt overworked:the past three days faked sick:when I was little lied:Never What was the last..word you said:Buddy (my dog's name) thing you ate:Hashbrowns song you listened to:I'm just a kid thing you drank:water place you went to:Drew's movie you saw:Just married movie you rented:Ocean's Eleven concert you attended:don't remember Who was the last person you..hugged:Drew cried over:myself kissed:Drew danced with:Drew shared a secret with:Laurie had a sleepover with:Becky called:my parents went to a movie with:Drew saw:parents were angry with:Becky couldn't take your eyes off of:Drew :) obsessed over:I don't obsess over people... Have you ever..danced in the rain:yes kissed someone:yes done drugs:NO NO NO drank alcohol:Nope slept around:the house partied 'til the sun came up:once had a movie marathon:yes gone too far on a dare:no spun until you were immensely dizzy:nope..not that stupid ;) taken a survey quite like this before:Just now
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!
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