Jun 13, 2005 22:08
--Name: Stephanie Ann Lindner
--Birthday: August 16, 1989
--Birthplace: Petersburg, WV
--Current Location: Fort Ashby, WV
--Eye Color: they change colors they are blue right now
--Hair Color: brownish blondish
--Height: about 5'6 or 5'7
--Righty or Lefty: Both
--Zodiac Sign: Leo
--Your heritage: Indian, German, Irish, and somethin else
--The shoes you wore today: Etnies
--Your weakness: I have alot because im sensitive
--Your fears: clowns, some bugs, snakes, dark, storms
--Your perfect pizza: Cheese and Sause
--Goal you'd like to achieve: get through college and play softball while majoring in Forenic Science
--Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol or haha
--Your thoughts first waking up: why didnt I die in my sleep again?
--Your best physical feature: I dont know I like my butt
--Your bedtime: depends on the next day
--Your fave memory: I dont know
--Pepsi or Coke: Coke
--McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
--Single or group dates: depends on my mood
--Adidas or Nike: Nike
--Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: its just tea whats the difference
--Chocolate or vanilla: both
--Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
*LAYER FIVE: Do you..*
--Smoke: Yeah
--Curse: Yeah
--Sing: Yeah
--Take a shower everyday: Yeah
--Have a crush(es): Yeah
--Do you think you've been in love: Yeah
--Want to go to college: Yeah
--Like high school: Yeah its okay
--Want to get married: If they legalize it
--Believe in yourself: Not at all
--Get motion sickness: Yes big time
--Think you're attractive: Depends on my mood
--Think you're a health freak: I run so I stay healthy...is that being one?
--Get along with your parents: Not alot but sometimes I do
--Play an instrument: Yeah
*LAYER SIX: In the past month..*
--Drank alcohol: Yes
--Smoked: Never in my life
--Done a drug: Never unless you count over dosing
--Had Sex: yea
--Made Out: yea
--Gone to the mall?: yea
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I dont like them
--Eaten sushi: no
--Been on stage: no
--Gone skating: Yea
--Made homemade cookies: no
--Gone skinny dipping: yea
--Dyed your hair: yea yesterday
--Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
--If so, was it mixed company: yeah
--Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yeah
--Been caught "doing something": lol ummm yeah actually
--Been called a tease: Yea
--Gotten beaten up: No
--Shoplifted: No
--Changed who you were to fit in: No
--Age you hope to be married: They gotta legalize it first
--Numbers and Names of Children: Dont know yet...we'll see when the time comes
--Describe your dream wedding: On a Beach at sunrise or sunset (most likely sunrise)
--How do you want to die: instantly
--Where you want to go to college: anywhere that I can get a good education
--What do you want to be when you grow up: Forensic Scientist
--What place would you most like to visit: Paris, France
--My name will be: I umm dont wanna change my name lol
--In the morning I: wake up, go downstairs, tell mom im hungry then dont eat, then go back to bed, then get up and go wherever
--All I need is: i dont know what i need
--Love is: heartbreaking
--I'm afraid of: myself, dark, clowns, storms, some bugs, snakes
--I dream about: weird things...last night i drempt about people throwing acid on me and killing me haha
*Have You Ever?*
--Pictured your crush naked?: umm yeah
--Actually seen ur crush naked: nope
--Been in love: yes
--Cried when someone died: Yes
--Drank alcohol: Yes
--Lied: yes
*With the Same Sex?*
--What do u notice first?: if i havent met them before probably smile eyes and shoes...but after that i look at their personality
--Last person u slow danced with: Kellie
--Worst thing to say: "my friend likes you and i dont wanna ruin our friendship" or "we are too good of friends"
--Makes you laugh the most?: me drunk
--Makes you smile: alot of things...i smile alot
--Has a crush on you?: i dont know
--Easier to talk to: kristina
*Do You Ever?*
--Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you: no
--Save aim conversations: sometimes
*Have You Ever?*
--Fallen for ur best friend: yes
--Been rejected: Yeah
--Rejected someone: Yeah
--Used someone: sorta
--Been Used: Yeah
--Been cheated on: yes
--Done something you regret: No i dont regret
--Could you live without the computer?: Yeah
--How many peeps are on your buddylist: ALOT
--What's your favorite food?: seafood
--What's your favorite fruit?: cherries
--Drink alcohol: Yes
*This or That*
--Like watching sunrises or sunset: Sunrises
--What hurts the most- physical pain or emotional pain?: Emotional
--Trust others way too easily?: No
Final Questions
--I want: someone
--I love: nothing
--I Miss: alot of stuff
--I hear: britt talkin on the phone
--I wonder: if im worth living
--I am: confused