Jun 30, 2004 11:46
Well, i got back from mexico, tell me about a long trip! it was fun at times though, i am glad to be home. Just the simple facts of putting toliet paper in the toilet in stead of the trashcan, and being able to brush my teeth in the sink instead of using pitchers of water! haha. There were many fun times though, we completly reconstructed a patio, it was a HUGE project! but it turned out really great. THen we also went rafting down a really awesome river and that was soooo much fun. i fell in the raft like 4 times becuase the river was flooded so all of the waves were sooo high. Anyways, i am so glad to be back.
So i get back in town, and i go see stepford wives...ya.. total dissapointment. dont go see it, becuase its really corny. i was really dissapointed. oh well.... what can you do. it was just one night, right!
Then last night, me, kit, and steven stayed up all night and watched movies becuase it was stevens birthday today, and so we wanted to celebrate. haha. oh man, we watched some REALLY dumb movies.... i dont even remember them, other than they were sooo stupid. now i am waiting for my mommy to get home, she was out of town, and i havnt seen her since the 17th! i miss her so much. tonight we are goign to go see the NOtebook..... i have heard it is soooooooo awesome. i read the book, as well as like 5 other nikolas sparks books, and i cant wait.
Orientation for me is in a few weeks, i am so excited! i cant wait! and then shortly after, we find out who our roomates are!!!! agh! i hope she is nice!
Well, i havnt updated in a while, so i figured i would.... anyways, i am out like .... ya.... i am just out. haha. peace