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Oct 30, 2004 21:09

wows the past 2 days have been good.hmm lets see friday skool was blah whatevs the normal la then i came home did like nothing then i went to my aunts house to wait for my sister cuz we were all going to the haunted hayride thingy in shelton blah it was soo boring at my aunts god...nd i kinda hate her...cuz she tries soo hard for everything to be perfect...even tho its far from it...like seriously i was talking to my little cousin...hes not that little like 10 nd i said "oo that sucks" nd shes like "OMG i cant believe u said that word" im like dude its not even a freakin bad word.they have a gay family the aunt tries to make everything freakin perfect the uncle is like an alcoholic nd the cousin is kinda gay...like literally nd hes WAYYY over-protected im like yeaa whatever it was gay there then my sister finally came nd we drove there blah standed in line for a bit then we got on...nd at 1st i thought it wuld be gay cuz im like oh a haunted hayride how gay but it wasnt lol...cuz there were all these freakin ppl who scare the bajesus out of u like forreals...1 freddy krueger guy like tried to kill my brother there was like 10 freakin chainsaw guys like 5 jason mask ppl nd then me nd my sister were sitting at the back where u dnt even kno whats behind u...nd this guy comes straight at us with a scary white mask nd like attacked us nd we got soo scared we fell onto the ground nd he was just standing there like being scary lol nd me nd my sister are screaming like madds godd it was scary !! nd u keep goin thru it gets darker nd darker nd then there were these guys dressed in like evil clown masks holy shitttt scary i have the biggest fear of clowns !! nd they like come up to u nd look u dead in the face nd all u do is scream lol wow it was scary but good.then blah i drove back with nicole nd jason nd we went to hollywood video to get a scary movie to watch cuz i slept there...nd jason is a retart so he picks this movie called creepshow2 nd me nd nik just went along with it were like ohk maybe it`ll be good soo yea whatevs we get back to her house nd we eat alotta chips nd popcorn nd candy lol nd watch the movie nd it wasnt scary at all it was fuckin HILARIOUS man omg !! ohk it was like these 3 short little supposedly scary things nd the 1st one was about this old guy who runs a store nd outside the store theres this indian maniken thing lol then 1 day these like indian gangstas come in nd steal all the stuff nd shoot the dude who runs the store then the fake indian maniken whatever thing comes to life nd goes nd shoots the gangsta ppl !! lol it was gay and funny !! then the 2nd one was just stupid it was about these 4 like college kids who go out to a beach and they swim out to this raft and they get stranded there cuz this puddle of mudd is like living nd if u go in the water it will eat u soo it eats like all of them cept 1 then the last 1 is swims back nd says OO I BEAT U !! then the mudd thing comes on land and eats him too lol HOW FREAKIN GAY IS THAT a mudd puddle that eats ppl.then the last one was fucking hilarioussss seriously...its about this lady who cheats on her husband and that nite shes driving home and she accidently hits a hitch-hiker...and then after she does it shes like yeaa whatever its over movin on with life...but he keeps comin back all bloody nd stuff nd he ALWAYS says "thanks for the ride lady !" and he comes back everytime no matter how much she tries to kill him...she freakin rams the dude into trees and fences and he like hangs on the hood bangin on it and saying thanks for the ride lady LMAOOOOOOOO me nd nik were cracking up to no end god it was gay ! laa then nicole nd jason went to sleep nd they let me do whatever i want cuz they are cool like that lol.soo i just watched tv nd ate their candy nd ice cream cuz they are like oo who cares lol then i was getting tired soo i went to bed at 1*3o...laa then i woke up around 8*3o nd ate sweet tarts for breakfast haha they dnt care i was just watching high skool stories love that show lol then nicole woke up we went out to ikea...only to find that they didnt have the rest of my room stuff for like the 3rd time =( whatta letdown nd now nik wants to go to the 1 in new jersey...yea all the way to new jersey just to buy my stuff lol but shes cool like that she wants to go that far for me soo im like sure lol then we bought like nothing there soo...we just got food in there cuz they have good food lol then we went back to my house...laa talked to my mom then we went out to walmart then marshalls then home depot for my room paint too bad they dnt have it so i hafta get it like custom made but oo well cuz i want like BRIGHT PINK like soo bright like hot,bright pink yeaa best color.but we did get the green paint cuz were painting 2 walls green nd 2 walls pink cool aint it =) lol then we came back i did not much i watched the 5th nitemare on elm street it was alrights...now im just chillizzin soo i`ve been having sum non-boring non-sucking days for once yays.wellps i guess im done. <3

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