Oct 02, 2004 17:45
hello i havent done this thing soo ill do it now.wellps lets see...yesterday was a good day skool went good it was easy i remember i had the funniest time in study with traci nd heather haha we just crack up at random things nd we found a purple condom in the trash can it was kinda nasty hahaha and then i came home...hmm i went to wal*mart i go there too much haha nd...i got white oleander thats like my all time favorite movie nd i wanted it badly haha.hmm when i was checking out i saw anthony jessicas bf nd his mom nd his brother haha every1 goes to wal*mart.then we were driving home nd my mom wanted to see mr.drezek`s house to see how nice it is lol soo we went over to jeanetti drive or whatev nd its a rich ppl street forreals the houses are SOO nice im like grr i wanna live around here !! yea all of em are soo nice nd huge nd the ppl must be rich haha like mr.drezek lucky him !!blahhs then i came back home nd watched the new degrassi that i`ve been waiting soo long for nd it was great i was happy cuz ashley doesnt hate craig anymore !!im like whoaa they are talking lol it was soo good im like in love with a show its kinda scary but oo well we all obsess over sumthing;right?lalla then 2day was good i woke up then me nd my mom went to dunkin donuts to get breakfast nd munchkins for the old ppl at work then i went over to volunteer....im like wow cuz i havent been there since the baby show in like july nd it was good to see every1 again haha i just did sum boring stuff nd then decorated pumpkins haha i COVERED them in sparklies.mmhmm it was amusing then i came home nd watched tv nd took a nap cuz i was really tired then i was sleeping for a long time thennn i woke up nd was supposta go to church but blahh ill just go 2morro.yeaa now im here nd im bored lalalalala i guess thats it maybe ill update later if im feeling like it.