Sep 24, 2004 21:47
hello 2day was good !! i liked 2day it was nice lol.wellps lala i guess i`ll write out skool...
1st per.- we had a sub...miss jadach nd she made us do this worksheety-test thingy it was gay nd i copied sams paper cuz...i didnt wanna do it nd he knew everything haha.
2nd per.- OMG FUNNY TIME !!!!!! that geoff kid...the new reallyyyyy funny omg...wellps he walked nd he said he got a tampon thrown at him nd he just sits there with it on the desk like a pen nd its just sitting on the desk ! nd bradshaw is walkin by nd he didnt even notice nd geoff was like throwing it around nd then he was reading the wrapper LMAOOOO it was soo funny.immature;but really funny.haha then we just went over a gay worksheet but it was funny like the highlite of the day.
3rd per.- hmm science was pretty good we just did work and i didnt really feel like working.oo yea we got our averages the other day nd mine is like a 95 im soo proud of myself.i shuld be i worked for it haha.
4th per.- computers was alright and geoff was on that love calculator site and all of a sudden every1 went on it nd it was was all like "omg me nd this person got a 90% OMG !" im like was cool tho nd miss robinson is pretty cool...nd nice.
5th per.- omg study was soooo boring cuz tracy nd heather skipped skool nd i was soo bored no1 to talk to !! soo i decorated my planner like oddly it looks cool tho i was bored outta my mind.
6th per.- spanish we did presentations.i was soo nervous and i hate getting up in front of ppl it makes me feel weird just knowing that like all the eyes are on u its creepy ! lol i hate that feeling...then it got soo boring and u heard the same facts about ecuador like a trillion times soo i was looking at steph c.`s cousins seymour high skool yearbook it was interesting.there skool seems way cooler than derby.but then again every skool is cooler than derby.
7th per.- we had a sub it was that bitchy lady that looks like a witch with a pointy nose haha nd alls we did was answer ?`s nd talk it was good.
thennnn i came home nd...i was online then i went to jessicas cuz i havent been there in a while for a weird reason cuz i shuld go there everyday seeing that she lives like 5 houses away from me haha nd she picked out clothes to wear to that kid pablos party.nd she was telling me about how every1 goes there to get drunk nd its "maddd fun" im like yaa.i dnt get why ppl drink anyways i kno it gets rid of problems for like a few hours but they are still there when u are back to normal soo whats the point?haha when im mad or have a problem i take a nap cuz u dnt think about stuff when ur sleeping.cuz im a good kid.mmhmm then i came back home nd we went to the dollar tree nd got all kindsa cheap crap that was like halloween-ish.oo well its alright there then we went to wal*mart haha dontcha just LOVE wally world ya gotta nd we got alotta stuff lol i got mean girls cuz every1 said its sooo funny nd good nd we bought all this candy to give to trick-or-treaters nd decorations nd all that.haha the kids better like our house we give out good sum ppl give out really cheap you-never-heard-of candy or apples haha i remember 1 year this old lady gave out apples im like wtf?who wants apples on halloween?yaa.lala then we came home nd i watched lauren collins unscripted nd shes alright.nd yayyyyy i only hafta hold out 1 more week and then im free from withdrawl and new degrassi is here.yea man i am completely obsessed with that show like forreals.then i watched mean girls it was really good haha funny...good im here ! nd that concludes my lovely day.haha it was a good day for me idk what ur idea of a good day is but i had 1.bye write more whenever ! <3